Thursday, September 03, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

summer is leaving us you can feel it in the air. I love fall the smells of leaves burning and crisp mornings. The way that God prepares the plants and animals to get ready for winter. Don't get me wrong I love summer but the heat sometimes can be so hard on my fibro. In the fall I know that there soon winter will be here and there will be times I long for the green and colors of summer. I try to soak in all the colors I can enjoying the last hurah. After all this summer will never happen again. yes there will be other summers but this will be the only 2009 summer. My kids are getting older and exploring the world around them. I know I will look back on the rush of this summer and long for it when I am older. So I try to embrace the days and cherish them even if there are hastles or hurdles to overcome. That is life and that is what makes it so exciting is the not know of what tomarrow will bring. So cherish the days even the bad ones you will look back on the problems later on and see how small and insignificant they were in the big picture of your lifes journey.

Monday, August 17, 2009

I got it done finally... I am so proud of this one. It is out of one of my favorite yarns Malabrigo and in one of my favorite colors a mint... It will be great for those cool days.....

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

our new pond it is not done yet but we have the water in and it is running. I have yet to get the plants in the ground have way to many around it but it is a great way to get them all watered. We were going to have fish but the frogs decided to lay their eggs in it so it is now a frog nursey......

my newest shawl MS12 that I have made. This is the first one that has come out so well. I am knitting on the anniversary shawl right now.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

well we got plastered with snow here and it lasted for a good 2 weeks which is unheard of here on the island.. The snow was so heavy on the roof that it came off in huge hunks that made a horriable noise.... enjoy the pictures.

Our paddie just loves to get a hold of the coke bottles and unscrew the caps and fall asleep with the bottle in her mouth.. now that is a dedicated coke drinker.. think she needs to go to a 12 step program....>?????

our trip to oregon was alot of fun we went to crater lake and it was breath taking.. We got to spend alot of time with eds parents that was so speical.